Mar 11 2021
IT SOUNDS like the stuff of science fiction, but spaceships that travel at warp speed are possible, according to one top scientist.
In a recent study, physicist Dr Erik Lentz outlined a way that a rocket could theoretically travel faster than light – or over 186,000 miles per second.
At that speed, astronauts could reach other star systems in just a few years, allowing humanity to colonise faraway planets.
Current rocket technology would take roughly 6,300 years to reach Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Sun.
So-called "warp drives" have been proposed before, but often rely on theoretical systems that break the laws of physics.
That's because according to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, it’s physically impossible for anything to travel faster than the speed of light.
Dr Lentz, a scientist at Göttingen University in Germany, says his imaginary warp drive would operate within the boundaries of physics.
While other theories rely on "exotic" concepts, such as negative energy, his gets around this problem using a new theoretical particle.
These hyper-fast "solitons" can travel at any speed while obeying the laws of physics, according to a Göttingen University press release.
A soliton - also referred to as a "warp bubble" - is a compact wave that acts like a particle while maintaining its shape and moving at constant velocity.
Dr Lentz said he cooked up his theory after analysing existing research and discovered gaps in previous warp drive studies.
He believes that solitons could travel faster than light and "create a conducting plasma and classical electromagnetic fields".
(Article does continue. Zim.)
(Beam me up Scotty - there is no intelligent life down here.)
Mar 11 2021
IT SOUNDS like the stuff of science fiction, but spaceships that travel at warp speed are possible, according to one top scientist.
In a recent study, physicist Dr Erik Lentz outlined a way that a rocket could theoretically travel faster than light – or over 186,000 miles per second.
At that speed, astronauts could reach other star systems in just a few years, allowing humanity to colonise faraway planets.
Current rocket technology would take roughly 6,300 years to reach Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our Sun.
So-called "warp drives" have been proposed before, but often rely on theoretical systems that break the laws of physics.
That's because according to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, it’s physically impossible for anything to travel faster than the speed of light.
Dr Lentz, a scientist at Göttingen University in Germany, says his imaginary warp drive would operate within the boundaries of physics.
While other theories rely on "exotic" concepts, such as negative energy, his gets around this problem using a new theoretical particle.
These hyper-fast "solitons" can travel at any speed while obeying the laws of physics, according to a Göttingen University press release.
A soliton - also referred to as a "warp bubble" - is a compact wave that acts like a particle while maintaining its shape and moving at constant velocity.
Dr Lentz said he cooked up his theory after analysing existing research and discovered gaps in previous warp drive studies.
He believes that solitons could travel faster than light and "create a conducting plasma and classical electromagnetic fields".
(Article does continue. Zim.)
(Beam me up Scotty - there is no intelligent life down here.)
Msg. 00019 of 00028 (This msg. is a reply to
00018 by
...most women is pretty good it's just that they don't understand how it can be too hot to do yard work but just fine for golfing or fishing. Must be that second X chromosome causing the problem.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!
- - - - - The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Conpiracy Theories
By: Zimbler0 in
THEORY Sun, 27 Jun 21 5:06 PM
Ribit > The marriage industry conspires to keep ya miserable.
From personal experience I just want to say . . .
That being married was a bit like it was
while I was in the Army. Being in a good
unit is very very good . . . And being in a
bad unit is very miserable.
I once married a very bad one. Biggest
mistake I ever made in my life.
Msg. 00018 of 00028 (This msg. is a reply to
00017 by
Ribit > The marriage industry conspires to keep ya miserable.
From personal experience I just want to say . . .
That being married was a bit like it was
while I was in the Army. Being in a good
unit is very very good . . . And being in a
bad unit is very miserable.
I once married a very bad one. Biggest
mistake I ever made in my life.
...howsoever that don't mean that there are no conspiracies. There's plenty of em. The tobacco industry conspires to get ya to smoke or dip or chew. The liquor industry conspires to keep drinking. The marriage industry conspires to keep ya miserable.
...maybe I went a little to far with that last one. Maybe she (u know who dat is) won't see that one.
Msg. 00017 of 00028 (This msg. is a reply to
00016 by
...howsoever that don't mean that there are no conspiracies. There's plenty of em. The tobacco industry conspires to get ya to smoke or dip or chew. The liquor industry conspires to keep drinking. The marriage industry conspires to keep ya miserable.
...maybe I went a little to far with that last one. Maybe she (u know who dat is) won't see that one.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!
Conspiracy Theories can often be explained by stupidity or happenstance or coincidence or just bad fricken luck, but not always. B following A does not mean that A causes B.
Conspiracy Theories can often be explained by stupidity or happenstance or coincidence or just bad fricken luck, but not always. B following A does not mean that A causes B.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!
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