The Golden Thread FAQ

Welcome to Atomic Bob's. This mini-manual is meant to be a good guide to all members, who post messages on a regular basis. As it is impossible to make each and every individual member aware of how to do certain things in this forum, we decided that it would be a good idea to have a common place which contains all this information, so that all members can have a read whenever in doubt. This 'faq' guide may also contain some very basic how to's.

1. When replying to a message, is it possible to modify the subject line?

Yes, you can change the subject line to anything you like. But it would be a good idea to retain the "Re: " string at the beginning, so that others may quickly recognize it as a reply to a parent post. But even if you modify the subject line, the message will still retain its parent, and will be shown as a reply to the original message. Your message will always appear below the parent message in the thread view of the respective board. If you do not want this, you will need to start a new thread, by clicking on the compose new message link, found on most pages of the respective boards.

2. Is it possible to edit my message, once it has been submitted? If yes, how?

Yes, it is possible to edit your post once you've submitted it. But the catch is that you've got to edit them within 15 minutes from the time of posting. This limit is set so that members will not able to change history, so to speak. In order to edit your posts, you can either navigate to your MyPage, and beside each of your recent posts, there is an "edit post" icon, which you'll need to click. Alternatively, you can navigate to your post, and if you're within the 15-minute time limit, a small edit icon will exist right beside the post's timestamp. Click it and you can edit your post however you like.

3. Can I post images while composing?

NO! Do not hotlink to, or otherwise post any copyrighted images.

4. How do I post an image, which exists on my hard-drive?

To post an image or a chart present on your hard-drive, you will need to upload the image to this server. To do so, just go to the following link, and follow the step-by-step instructions provided there.

Once you've uploaded your image, you can copy+paste the bolded text in your post, and your image will be displayed within your post. Currently, only images are allowed to be uploaded, to prevent a security hole. So you must always check if your image ends with an extension of .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp or .png.

5. How do I post bolded, italicized or underlined text?

If you are familiar with basic HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), then you'd probably know the following. Just enlcose your string with the following lower-cased tags.

Bold - [b] To close: [/b]
Italic - [i] To close: [/i]
Underline - [u] To close: [/u]

Please be careful to close your tags properly. Otherwise, your entire post will be bolded, underlined or italicized. There are also buttons to accomplish these features on the compose-a-message page.

6. How do I spell check my message?

If you think that you make a lot of spelling mistakes while composing messages, not to worry! There is a handy spell checking tool, that comes to your rescue. To use this tool, simpy click the "Preview and spell check" button found at the bottom of the compose page along with the other buttons.

The words in red, denote mis-spelled words. You can then choose to ignore your mistakes and proceed, or you could click the "edit post" button, and edit your mistakes. Please note that member's names and proper nouns will be highlighted in red, since they are not in the dictionary. We am working on adding them to dictionary and will be ready soon.

7. How do I navigate from one board to another quickly?

Whenever you're logged in, there is a small dropdown which will allow you to switch to your "favorite boards" or BoardMarks. To add a board to your favorites, simply click the "boardmark this board" link available on the "read" pages as well as the message lists. To maintain your BoardMarks, click here.

If you're not logged in, the same drop-down will show but will include all available boards, and are arranged alphabetically. If you're logged in your boardmarked boards will be marked in bold, which makes it easier for you to find it. We thus recommend you surf the board and its posts while being logged on, so that we may customize the content according to your tastes.

8. How do I delete or UN-boardmark a boardmark?

To unboardmark a board, you will need to go to the "maintain my boardmarks" page:

If you scroll down, there is a line in bold 'Delete BoardMark.' Simply choose the board ticker you would like to delete, and hit submit, and the board gets deleted from the member's boardmarks.

9. What are the advantages of being logged in while I surf the board?

Being logged in at all times allows us to customize the board content for you according to your tastes. You don't have to be worry about being logged in if you check the "remember password" box during login. If you're unsure if you're logged in or not, simply scroll up, and check for the LogOut/LogIn button, which will quickly tell you about your login status.

If you're logged in at all times, the drop-down box, containing your favorite boards, will always appear on message lists as well as on the "read" pages, and you can use the drop-down to quickly navigate to your favorite boards. Also, the members whom you have "ignored" will be hidden from you.

10. I have a question and it's not included here.

Email the admin, and we will try to include the solution here, if it is related to this forum. As I said, this guide is not fully completed, and has just been freshly written. I depend on members for questions to be made known, so that it can be included here. This would be of great help to both our current members, as well as any new member who will be joining in the future.

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