Just a further refinement on my initial 'rate determination from file time stamps' ....
One can get total transit times and deduce rates from the file time stamps.
However - those time stamps DO NOT HAVE the 'local time zone' information in them - they are in UTC - and use system settings on the computer to convert the STORED time stamps into local zone times.
So my comment was on RATE determination - not on TIME ZONE determination of 'where a file was created'.
I am NOT going to go to the site of the 'forensicator' to determine HOW 'he/she/it' supposedly derived the 'Time Zone Info' from the Wikileaks archives. Complete lack of trust of such sites
In Fact - i believe that portion of his/her/its claims to be complete and total BS. That is something that can NOT possibly be determined without unlimited access to the actual file server that was hacked - and even then, highly unlikely one can determine the 'time zone' of the machine doing the 'copying/hacking'. Yes, it is a logical assumption that the two machines were in the same zone - if the rate (23 mega-bytes per second - or approx 200 megabits/sec ie. gigabit width required, or direct access to usb or other physical ports on the originating machine) is correct. But that is ALL that it is ... an ASSUMPTION - it is not rock solid EVIDENCE.
Willing to hear countering arguments.
Just a note; did spend quite a few years submerged in Unix at system level, and did some programming - but do not consider myself an 'expert' at forensics.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...