You are obviously retiring very early - and my
congratulations to you sir.
It is also obvious that you have made a lot of money
and, again, I would say more power to you.
But I am pretty sure I have not made nearly as much
money as you have. I feel I am modestly successful
with my investing - but not extravagantly so.
Which leaves me with a choice. Do I expend my standard
of living and resources to buy and build a 'homestead'
guaranteeing that eventually I will be old and living
a homesteader standard of living . . .
Or do I continue the path I am on and hope that things
do not fall apart too badly while I live an enjoyable
long life.
And then there are the possibilities of con men 'selling' me
the same homestead land they've already sold to six other people. Or
lying thieving politicians stealing my property through taxes
or regulations . . .
I dunno.
Maybe the TEOTWAWKI will be as bad as you think and
I'll regret it . . . or maybe it won't. Or maybe
Trump will turn things around and it won't come till
after I've passed. Or maybe it'll come next week.
I'm thinking that when jimmy carter was bequeathing
U.S. with stagflation there were probably people who
thought TEOTWAWKI was upon U.S. . . . and it didn't happen.
I used to have an Uncle in El Paso who was certain the
Mexicans were going to invade . . . didn't happen
In the meantime, how many more years is it going to
take for Venezuala to finish its financial collapse?
Post WWI Germany suffered a total financial collapse . . .
They survived it.
Not saying it won't be ugly or painful . . .
A goodly supply of guns and ammunition and a willingness
to go cannibal would definitely improve ones odds.
I'm rambling now.
Mad Poet Strikes Again. |