I stand by my conclusion about McMaster, as succinctly summarized by both Daniel Greenfield and Caroine Glick.
Iran recertification, Israel Wailing Wall, unfettered CLASSIFIED access for Susan Rice, and his employment (continued employment) of one of the author/originators of the Benghazi 'it was a video' scandal. Those are WELL documented FACTS.
The Rice letter is being presented as 'pro-forma' courtesy always extended to former NSA advisors *does that include Michael Flynn ?* and only 'so she can be included in any classified discussions, she really won't be able to access documents. Bullshit - that is NOT what the letter states.
Here are samples of the FAUX news pushback...
Portray Him as really a HAWK - not a namby-pamby 'isolationist' which his 'detractors' are
Pro-Forma 'courtesy' .... oh, and the President thinks highly of him ...
Oh, look at those isolationists that are attacking him ...
Bottom Line - McMaster is ONLY there because John McCain pushed hard for him - and so did all the other neo-cons. The fact that McCain pushed for him should have been an INSTANT red flag flying at full mast.
Plus the fact that McMaster faired so well under the Hussein.Ø regime.
Add to that: Brennan and Clapper BOTH 'strongly' support him.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...