Here is a link to the letter McMaster sent to Susan Rice regarding Top Secret/Compartmented clearance.
The conservativetreehouse incorrectly states (and multiple comments repeat the error) that Rice only has access to HISTORICAL stuff that she originated,signed, saw, touched, or ....
Read the letter carefully. McMaster only cites the Previous *ie. not Trump* EXECUTIVE ORDER under which he gives Rice access to HISTORICAL TS/CI documentation, and waives any 'need-to-know'.
What the letter does NOT do is in any way limit her access to ALL TS/CI information, historical or current. IN FACT, the letter gives her unfettered access to ALL TS/CI information. The only thing unclear is whether she must establish a 'need-to-know' for CURRENT information, a requirement that McMaster specifically waives for historical schtuff.
You can read the letter for yourself. Note that these letters are extremely carefully crafted, and what they actually say and DO NOT SAY are very, very deliberate. This is not some 'careless' oversight or lack of 'legal language specificity' due to not knowing how to compose a solid document.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...