Hmmm ... I can't figger out what that researcher's point is.
Mr. Donnay earns income as a consulting toxicologist specializing in carbon monoxide poisoning and also has patents-pending related to CO testing and treatment from which he does not yet earn income. The review of the HEI MultiCenter Study on CO that he conducted as part of his dissertation research was self-funded.
Are the EPA standards too strict ? Too loose ? IF the original research is flawed/fraudulent/incorrect, then point me to research that IS correct.
From very personal experience - CO *carbon monoxide* - is an extremely toxic gas. Headaches, bright red blood - very destructive of human organs in a very short period of time, takes a long time (up to two weeks) to recover from even mild exposures. Those are pretty well established medical facts. Hemoglobin that attaches to CO has to be replaced - it does NOT recover - the binding of the CO to a hemoglobin cell is permanent - treating with O2 does not repair it - the treatment only increases the O2 carrying capacity of unaffected hemoglobin cells.
Soooooo - what is the guy's point- other than to make a name for himself by saying some EPA study was fraudulent.
The epa standards for CO are reasonable, and life protecting - imo.
Try standing next to an idling diesel (or within a hundred yards on a non-windy day.) You will have a MAJOR headache in less than an hour. That is real life experience for me - don't need no guvmint study to confirm that CO is damned dangerous.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...