Nah - she couldn't be muslim now, could she ?
One of the authors/originators of the 'Benghazi was all about a video' scandal.
Now she is #2 to the NSA McMaster. How much access does she have to the NSC ?
From brietbart:
Gaffney said the Center for Security Policy is launching “a series of profiles on these swamp creatures and the role that they’re playing,
starting with Dina Habib Powell, a woman whom McMaster brought in as his number two, who is friends with Huma Abedin and Valerie Jarrett
– just a clue as to perhaps her political orientation, and certainly the kinds of policy differences that I believe she has with the president that should be disqualifying.”
Nah - she couldn't be Muslim Brotherhood ... could she ?
Would explain the McMaster crackdown on use of 'muslim/islamic terrorism' description, or blocking of having the Muslim Brotherhood declared a terrorist organization.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...