That wiki leak is not new - check the date. Last year.
If the Afghan policy tomorrow is 'troop surge' - it will confirm that Pence is at the center of coup. Mike Cernovic released info a couple of days on that - about the 'Trump' super-pac monies NOT going to Trump - they are all being funneled to Pence. That was a NYT article that Cernovic confirmed. Note the news today that Pence and McMaster were working together to 'convince' the Pres on Afghan. Pence, of course, denied. I don't believe him for a second. Haven't trusted him one iota since the General Flynn sabotage - which I believe came straight from Pence. Flynn never lied about a damned thing. but he took the fall for 'not communicating fully'. HORSE HOCKEY - Pence lied through his teeth to cover a very public error that PENCE made.
Trump may not be a quitter - but he will be impeached and convicted. Doesn't matter that it will be on bogus charges. He is going to be removed from office - one way or another.
Sorry to be so down - ref. my post from Alan West a little earlier today.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ... |