Why don't the cretins worry about crook Flynn's doings, and idiot boy Trump's meeting with the Russians, etc.? They just worry that some Pakistani scammer tried to take $12000 out of the country without a declaration? Who gives a shit? Prosecute her. If not, ask why, if not done properly, punish those responsible. Doesn't the Justice Dept have a boss? What's he doing other than investigating ...leaks? WTF?
So, why are right wingers along with the bozette worrying about criminal activity of these Pakistanis who worked IT for Dems, and particularly Schultz? The FBI DOES NOT DECLARE WHOM THEY ARE INVESTIGATING, SO WHY SHOULD SVHULTZ FIRE SOMEONE SHE DID NOT KNOW WAS UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION?
Because the Pakistani scamers are a convenient way to attack Democrats by ...association. And if the FBI and others are doing the wrong things here, why don't they ask Sessions what he's up to? The Dems are out of power, and our government is full of people left over from multiple administrations, and no one should give a dime about who appointed them, if they are doing the job. We can't be firing and clearing the whole house every ti m the administration changes or some fkng blogger finds a new target whose motives they question. No wonder no one wants to go work for them now. The State Dept is in shambles, no undersecretaries for Asia, trade, etc., major situations Trump wants to address, but no one to take those jobs. Empty desks everywhere.