And it only started on the 17th. Not sure how much good it will do - the idiot one demanding Trump turn over his personal income tax returns (an UN-CONSTITUTIONAL DEMAND) received over 1,000,000 sigs in the allotted 30 days, and the other idjit 'emoluments' one received 350,000 someodd.
Emoluments demand for divestitures ... START WITH CONGRESS and their astronomical abuses of using office to get rich. Bernie Franks ... WTF has he EVER done to earn the millions of dollars in net worth he now has ?
Not one damn thing. He has amassed ALL his wealth through abuse of public office - certainly not wealthy from the salary that he received (not the term NOT used - and that word would have been earned).
SO - not sure what more sigs would accomplish - other than gloating rights. I think most petitions like this are conscious salves -accomplishing nothing.
NOW some petitions that legally mandate ACTUAL action, like putting things on a ballot- that's REAL political activism.
In TEXAS- It is high time to pass a CA-style PROP-13 STYLE property tax ammendment to combat these thieving bastards that have made our Tax Rates here among the TOP IN THE NATION. The increases have been MONSTROUS.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...