Re: tophatter
I haven;t bought another thing since the watch.
I received it and have worn it quite a lot.
I did a little research and found I could buy this watch on ebay from a seller in China for $5.99 plus $1.20 shipping and if you bought more than one of same style, no additional shipping costs.
So I bought three more for $5.99 with a black leather band.
So far the time is exceptionally accurate. It runs, it looks nice, it is cheap, so if I break it or scratch the glass dial I can replace it if I want rather cheaply.
But mostly I bought it for fun and I did not have a watch that looked like that.
Glad to see you guys enjoying the 90 second auctions.
They can be addicting and definitely fun when you are in one.
THAT is why I choose not to get involved in them anymore.
Glad you guys had some fun.....