Good - they aren't completely blind to what's really going on.
Note that they DO NOT designate 'Antifa' as a 'terrorist organization' or antifa members as 'terrorists' - showing the limit of their bravery, just 'antifa activities are domestic terror' - that backdown is pure cowardice. Yeah - there IS a big difference in the designations, and greatly effects the resources used to go after antifa and their funders. It damn near gives carte blanche to the funders - can't be charged with funding terrorists (ie. they can fund 'em, they aren't terrorists, and the funders are not directly responsible for the 'activities' that are happening; just as with the lack of designating MB and other muslim orgs as 'terrorist organizations' - it doesn't cut off their funding without that designation.)
Complete article here - analysis above is NOT part of the article- mt is solely responsible for those obs.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...