Micro - I have tried (and abandoned Opera), Brave(by far the fastest browser due to built in almost total ad blocking and script blocking- but a little too unstable, and very rigid in lack of customization.)
Vivaldi grew out of Opera - and is easier to maintain, not as complex for simple customization,and has a unique 'icon type / bookmark type' Start Page that I find much more useful than a 'bookmarks bar'.
It is faster than FF and ooogle chrome, can be easily taken off-line to avoid page refreshing and sites that do unending loading, has a nice 'screen snapshot' built-in, can control image loading (always, from cache,never), and a 'READER MODE' built-in accessible from the URL bar. I find READER MODE to be invaluable.
Vivaldi has been my browser of choice for a few months now. Very pleased - still use Brave for some sites because it can cut out over 90% of the noise from many sites (ie. 15-18 MB per page down to 1.5 or less MB for the same page.)
Vivaldi also has an easily accessible 'zoom slider' built-in on the lower status line. As old age takes hold, that is becoming increasingly important.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...