Hmmm .. My suspicions were confirmed from Ribit's first breaking news report where NO MENTION OF RACE was made.
After perusing a few of the subsequent news reports, NO MENTION OF RACE WAS MADE - only that all the victims were over 60.
Could it be that the victims were NOT BLACK - possibly white ?
Turns out that, indeed, it is NOT a 'black church' - but their standalone web-page has NOTHING other than a sketchy first beginning web presence.
Ditto on their FACEBOOK entry ... except under photos.
The 'photos' (uncaptioned so far) show a WIDE DIVERSITY of folks, young, old, and many different races - Black, White, Hispanic, Asian if I am any judge of 'racial identification' from photos at all.
Thus - this is not something the FAUX NEWS SERVICES can exploit to promote their agenda of causing more 'racial divisions'- and thus,the lack of ANY 'racial' mention at all.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...