Thanks for the update, Ribit - wasn't going to comment about the race of the shooter. Strange-he had attended the church a couple of years ago - hadn't been there in a while. Suspect he had become a radicalized muslim in the intervening two years - came from Sudan in '96.
The fox report is the first one talking about the 'race' of the congregation - called it 'predominantly white'.
From what I saw of their FB page - diverse races is a far more accurate description. Perhaps FAUX news is pushing the 'whiteness' to mitigate/reduce ANY extensive coverage of this - since the guy is an immigrant from a muslim country - even though he could have been a Christian refugee from Sudan.
If the guy continued to associate with Sudanese immigrants, he may well have been in the midst of muslim activity. If he was - expect that news to be VERY hard to come by.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ... |