But, look at what the Marxists at The WaPo have reported ...
The Rooskies purchased $100,000 worth of Facebook ads in 2016 ... a veritable spit in the Facebook ocean ... to supposedly sow discord by "exploiting racial and religious divisions" ... "and to promote BLM and Hillary Clinton."
Huh? Wait ... WHAT???!!! You mean those evil, wascally, skinflint Rooskies spent pennies on Facebook ads to spread general societal unrest and to PROMOTE BLM AND HILLARY CLINTON?! I thought those wily in-the-closet-Commies were supposed to be promoting Donald Trump, eh ... at least that's what the dimwitted tools of the Further Freedom From Thought board were led to believe. Awww, those poor, deluded Pffffarters - proven to be willfully STOOOOOOOPID, yet again! So, it becomes readily apparent that if the libtards want to keep up with their fabricated Russian narrative, then they have to concede the Russians believed that the best way to get Trump elected was to promote Hillary Clinton! BWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!