Replies to Msg. #1016657
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
35902 Re: Starlight
   ...I think I posted that pic before the shootings or it coulda just be...
ribit   POPE IV   03 Oct 2017
7:18 PM
35897 Re: Starlight
   no worries there. I can say pretty much certainly that our resident...
micro   POPE IV   03 Oct 2017
4:45 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Starlight

By: starlight in POPE IV
Tue, 03 Oct 17 11:52 AM
Msg. 35894 of 47202
(This msg. is a reply to 35861 by micro)
Jump to msg. #  


Thanks. I usually get ribit's msgs right away. It was just shocking to see that gun when that creep just killed all those people. That's where the not appreciated comment came from.

Heh, sniper rifle? As long as ribit doesn't want to shoot me, I'm fine. Smile