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Re: December 15, 1791 

By: keystone in FFFT3 | Recommend this post (1)
Wed, 04 Oct 17 9:27 AM | 77 view(s)
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Msg. 36972 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 36971 by ribit)

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Good PM Ribit!
It surely morphed to include weapons that did not exist when it was enacted. I seriously doubt that Congress or the individual States could have envisioned 320 million of us living an urban life hoarding almost half a billion guns.
That the Federal Government and the States will legislate in the area and that the Constitution will ultimately be amended to address changing reality is inevitable.
What the NRA and the State affiliates spend on lobbying and contributions is not known. What Planned Parenthood spends is also unknown. Comparing the financial involvement of various organizations in the political process is sophomoric crap. Lobbying to protect the rights of women vs. lobbying to protect the rights of gun owners is irrelevant. Except to people who depend upon irrelevance to predicate an argument.
The times they are a changing.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: December 15, 1791
By: ribit
in FFFT3
Wed, 04 Oct 17 8:11 AM
Msg. 36971 of 65535

...it didn't morph into anything. It is what it is. If ya don't like the constitution change it. The so called 'gun lobby' made less political contributions than 'planned parenthood'. Let's not try to spin the nra into the big bad wolf.

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