Radicalized ? ... By whom - ISIS or DEMS ?
I suspect the second - very strongly. With muslims, the blackout of shooter 'muslim' ties is never fully suppressed.
With the denial (today) that the Scalise shooting was beyond a shadow of a doubt done by a 'radicalized' DEM - (Mr. Wizard link to NBC 'newsman' doing this today on FAKE board ... available elsewhere also) ... and the almost TOTAL blackout of the guy's politics- be willing to bet a Mandalay Burger,Bagel,Potaato Soup, Bottle of Water, and 2 Pepsis (total cost= $84 - and Jesse had the courtesy of using a gun.), that it is almost certain that this shooting was done by a 'radicalized' DEM.
Hearing reports the guy had no 'internet footprint' from some, and from others that he had a facebook page that was laden with anti-Trump and anti-conservative content. No links are provided by those making those claims - so, at this point, very dubious claims - that could themselves (definitely are) politically motivated. A lot of so-called 'right wing' sites have been pushing a lot of fake news lately. None of the name brand sites we have learned to trust - but disreputable '30 years old and living in basement' type sites.
Definitely a well planned, and well prepared for attack. The simple logistics of everything, even with days (weeks, months) called for meticulous planning and are highly suggestive of multiple people involved (in getting everything done, not necessarily in the shooting). That points to someone who had NOT 'flipped' out, acted on 'impulse', or who was legally insane or doped up on meds. It points to a cold, calculated terrorist attack.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...