Re: List of Things To Do in Retirement
By: Decomposed
Sun, 08 Oct 17 9:02 PM
Msg. 36338 of
re: "TOO MUCH WORK......"
Some of it is work: Mowing lawns, cutting down trees, chopping wood, harvesting various foods and canning, for instance. A lot of it isn't. Buying things isn't work. Hunting isn't work. Neither are projects. I don't view building things as "work." Or learning to cook. I'm doing them because they interest me, not because I have to. If I lose the interest then, yeah, they become work. Or they don't get done at all.
And I've got a whole section defined as "for pleasure."
So it's not as bad as it first appears.
The list is still growing, of course. I just thought of "Learn to weld" - an essential skill if I'm going to make a still or a wood-burning pickup truck. And there, I've got several more purchases and projects.