>> Haven't heard US military denying today's charges on EMP.
Nor would I expect them to do so. From the Oak Ridge report itself, most of the REAL data about EMP is highly classified.
I find the commissions reply back to you had a bit of a chuckle in it ... A HEMP can only occur at High Altitude, because that is what HEMP means - High Altitude EMP. So, technically a very true statement - the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-Bombs generated very little HEMP ... because it was detonated at very low altitude and by the time the ionizing effect reaches HIGH ALTITUDE the energy density (r^2 effect of distance), there will be a vastly reduced emp generated at HIGH altitude. Perfectly scientific.
Note carefully what the reply DOES NOT say - It does NOT say that there was not a SIGNIFICANT EMP generated by BOTH bombs - just that there was not a significant HEMP generated. Skilled wordsmiths can mislead without lying in the least.
Fact: There WAS a significant EMP generated by ALL the A-bomb explosions (those in testing also) - it was predicted, expected, and prepared for. Even with preparation there WAS some damage - loss of 'records' - but details on exactly how much damage there was are deliberately obscure to this day.
Fact: The Compton effect and interaction with the earth's magnetoshpere does NOT require 'high altitude'
to generate an EMP. It does so also at low altitude - as is amply demonsrated by the low altitude detonations.
I have no problem with the assertions that the EMP is MAXIMIZED by detonation at HIGH ALTITUDES of between 30-80 km.
I have no problem with the assertion that the EMP will effect (and demonstrably did so as evidenced by actual detonations at HIGH altitudes) electronics/electrical systems up to a thousand miles away ( and more), nor that the problem will be greater over the Continental USA because of the long lengths of power lines, which is basic physics. (induced current/voltage will increase proportional to the length of the conductor). Note that highlight - it is important. The damages in Hawaii, Russia, and elsewhere are NOT due directly to damage caused by EMP - but by the EMP (the MOVING elecromagnetic field) acting at right angles to CONDUCTORS and INDUCING a current(and voltage). A static 'electromagnetic' field causes NO induced current flow, only the component of motion at right angles to the conductor.
See that - at right angles. That is ANOTHER reason (basic physics again) for the 'high altitude' - it puts the field origin ABOVE the conductors which (simple geometry) automatically makes the field(or components of it if not directly below the detonation) at right angles to ANY conductor on the surface, no matter which way it runs. The optimum altitude for MAXIMUM induction of the widest possible area is where the 30-80 km altitude figure comes from (simple calculus - determining maxima/minima). At ground level - power lines radiating out from the detonation point would have NO induced currents, and non-radiating power lines would have an EMP porportional to their length, distance from the destination point, and ONLY proportional to the length that is at exactly right angles (simple trig) to 'circles' centered on the destination point.
Note also that I have NOT SAID EMP DAMAGE IS A HOAX - I have simply stated that the extremist view of TEOTWAWNKI (from one,two, or three relatively small nuclear devices) is way overblown; THAT IS THE HOAX; despite what the mischaracterization of my posts attempted to portray as 'my position'.
As stated before - that Oak Ridge report is solid science.
It is always important to look for things that ARE NOT SAID. Many times, that is just as important as what IS said when attempting to shape opinions, beliefs, and understanding.
This pretty well exhausts the subject fur me - lack of reply to further posts should not be taken as acquiescence, disagreement, nor agreement with any opinions that may be expressed. *s*
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...