Lookback to 32 years ago (comment section decent also) -
The article claims Cat 3, but that was barely reached just as it hit Galveston - it was barely a hurricane when it hit North Houston where I lived (winds +/- 90 mph), and think it was only a Cat 1 when it hit Houston. Lost 3 pine trees to tornado that skipped right over my house. The tops got broken off - sounded like a locomotive going over. Very little actual structural damage from Alicia - roofs, yeah - but not a lot of houses destroyed in Houston proper.
Flooding wasn't very bad with Alicia.
The downtown structures lost a lot of glass - but not much else. Think power was out a week to 10 days where I was at - mostly water damage to buried lines.
Puerto Rico is going to have to replace a lot of power poles and repair a lot of lines. Skilled labour shortage there for that much work (unlike Houston,Galveston), and replacing that stuff is pretty labour intensive. I expect the pace of repairs will pick up rather quickly as the rest of the damage problems (more pressing like food, water, fuel, housing) are addressed first. It will be interesting to see how long before they reach the 80% power restored level (80/20 rule). I'll bet it takes them less than another two months, maybe even faster. Won't argue that it will take up to 6 months for full restoration.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...