Opposition to any such as Clarke will be overwhelming, not just from the far left, but also from Constitutional Conservatives. i opposed Sessions for his long record of support for the extremely un-Constitutional thievery known as 'asset forfeiture' - both civil and criminal.
The government now steals more from people each year than the cost of all burglaries - many,many times with no charges filed, far in excess of any fines proscribed by law, and in way too many cases without any conviction. In civil forfeiture it is even worse - the taking of property with NO trial by jury, which is secured, also, in the Constitution wrt civil cases (ie. non-criminal).
What is very needed in the A.G. position is NOT a 'law enforcement' official, NOT a former prosecutor, NOT a former legislator, but a strong conservative well versed in Consitututional law, someone who RESPECTS the freedoms secured by the Bill of Rights, someone of the stature and experience of Judge Gorsuch. A judge is capable of looking at BOTH sides of issues, not just that which benefits the state, but that which also protects "WE, the People".
We have seen far, far too much abuse of the A.G.'s office and the DOJ since even before the time of Reagan, and our rights have been catastrophically eroded over the past 100 years. Time for a huge change- and the DOJ has been, and continues to be a huge part of the swamp. Not just rights that have disappeared, but the elite that have their hooks into so many skate by with acts that have been clearly treasonous.
Leftist judges are just as guilty and complicity in that process (leftist meaning 'all power to the state'). Good Constitutional lawyers or Judges qualified to serve on the Supreme Court may provide us some much needed change in the office of A.G. which has such overarching, and centralized, power.
The FISA COURT must go. Totally UnConstitutional - trial and actions in secret - no different than a banana republic gestapo. Absolutely no check or balance on their power; as we are starting to reveal from the very little that has been exposed.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...