Local Virginian Kim McFall said that she had not been impressed by Gillespie, although she will probably vote for Gillespie. McFall said, “He’s wishy-washy.”
Well - here's what the guy is doing to 'improve Rural Virginia's economy' - Great outreach, there, Gillespie, absolutely brilliant.... (tic).
Gillespie stated that he seeks to improve rural Virginia’s economy with tax cuts and fewer regulations. Gillespie said, “We need industrial hemp, we need to have more outdoor recreation jobs, we need to complete the Clinch River State Park. All the detailed specifics I’ve put forward tonight I think are going to rally people here and they’re going to turn out to vote for me.”
With a proposals like that, who needs Democrats ?
Shaking head in disbelief at how pathetic those 'issues' are for reaching out to 'rural Virginia voters'. Perhaps brietbart left out the 'good stuff' ... but I kinda doubt it.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...