dadgum, Zim - not a single point of contention/disagreement with you. Where's the fun in that ?
>>> saddam Hussein had serious motivations for trying to
cripple the U.S. with a terrorist attack.
And I am equally sure that no evidence of it will ever appear because
john 'horse-turd' Kerry ran on a platform of 'we should not
have invaded Iraq' . . .
will go even a couple of steps further
Even while sodamn insane was training the 9-11 hijackers at Salman Pak, with living human beings being used in the airliner shell as sacrifices ... Iran was actively supporting multiple terrorist groups (plenty of money due to Iraq oil embargo). Those groups included alqueda, and osama.
Iraq was up to their keisters in the FIRST World Trade Center bombing, the one 'led' by the 'blind sheik'. pretty well documented on the Iraqi government ties.
Iraq was also involved directly with Timothy McVeigh of the 'Oklahoma City Bombing'.Remember the 'middle eastern john doe suspect #3 APB' and the 'sudden disappearance' on ANY info about the suspect and withdrawal of the APB. meetings of mcveigh with
'three middle eastern types (think were documented later to be Iraqi) at a motel in Ok' ... and travel of McVeigh to Iraq (think memory is correct on that one).
That all adds up to the FAR more probable source of the 9-11 types (supplied by Saudi fundamentalism - ie. Wahabbi Sunni) being IRAQ - a country with the intelligence resources, monetary resources, training resources, and motive as being the actual perpetrator of 9-11 than 'the taliban' out of Afghanistan - a backwards nation, no infrastructure, no highly sophisticated training resources, limited travel capability as being the actual source. Yeah, osama may have ultimately moved his ops to Afghanistan, but he did all his training, planning, co-ordination, supplying, and funding from Iraq - not Afghanistan. That move by osama was his fallback defensive position to avoid direct blame of Iraq, make it much harder to find him, and provided easy access to the politically impregnable sanctuary of Pakistan if Afghanistan got too hot.
Anyhoooz.... that's my take.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...