It has been my experience serving in the Church for a very long time that people, really tend to seek out GOD usually when they actually find themselves in need of something, especially if that something is beyond their control..
Too many folks who claim to be Believers really fall into this category as do almost all who have a head knowledge of GOD, but no heart knowledge of the saving grace of The Son, who came to seek and to save that which was lost. (and on their way to a devil's hell) Narrow is the path that leads unto life everlasting and FEW there be that find it; but BROAD and wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY there be that are traveling this super highway for various reasons.
MOST people could not tell me in three words or less what the word REPENTANCE means.....
It means to "AGREE WITH GOD". ZTo SEE THINGS as GOD SEES THEM, see your SIN as GOD sees it, and AGREE with HIM regarding your estate, and what HE thinks about it. Then AGREE with HIM regarding how you can come to HIM and get on that small, narrow road that so few actually travel...
There are all kinds of people who fit ribit's well worded question about only believing in HIM when one needs HIM.
There are those who come to Church every Sunday. They LOOK the PART. They ACT the PART. They have a HEAD KNOWLEDGE of the vocabulary and SOUND the PART.
But at Judgment, GOD will say to them, depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, I never KNEW you".
They had a HEAD knowledge, but not a HEART relationship with HIM through The SON, by whom SALVATION has been purchased BY HIS OWN BLOOD SACRIFICE.
If you don't know the SON, you cannot know the Father..
The only prayer GOD hears from one who has not come to CHRIST for salvation, is the request to be forgiven and to be saved. HE does not hear any other so called prayers from ANYONE who is not ONE of HIS>
It's all about being in the Family.
You see, if the boy across the street were to come over to my house and ask me if I would buy him a car for example, or GIVE him one, I would decline.
However if one of my own children were to come and say "daddy, would you please provide for me such and such" I would go out of my way to provide for them.
THEY ARE MY CHILDREN and they have asked me for something that is not amiss, (not good for them...) Because they are my own I am HAPPY to provide ALL THEIR NEEDS according to MY RICHES IN GLORY.
God has recorded in volumes of BOOKS in Heaven ALL who have repented of their sins, asked for mercy and forgiveness, and trusted Christ as their only hope and way of salvation. He also has in books all those who have not....
But people will still try to weasel their way, with their own ideas and craftiness into thinking GOD will somehow hear them and respond to them because they have some crisis going on in their life...
My first question for ANY who come to counseling is " When did yo call upon the name of the LORD and ask HIM for forgiveness and salvation? Let's go back and revisit that time and then turn and cast all our care upon HIM for HE careth for US!
ALL these others who want to do things THEIR way, and not GOD's well laid out, easy way of becoming a Child of the KING of KINGS, will find out that there is only HIS way or no way.... It is a sad time when this realization sets in to someone who chose to do things their own way and they desperately need to have the peace of GOD and the Power of GOD resonate in their present time of need.
This is why the Bible so clearly commands that Behold, NOW is the ACCEPTED TIME: NOW is the DAY of Salvation...
Don;t put it off another minute. You know not whether you have one more minute or one more day to live in this life but assuredly you will live for an eternity in one place or another. WHY not LIVE in the wonders and beauty of HEAVEN which JESUS MADE for those who have trusted HIM and called upon HIS name?
Pastor micro is now officially done with today's sermonette....