Replies to Msg. #1027749
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
40318 Re: Inside the room: What Steve Bannon told Congress yesterday
   If it is a hoax, why try and muzzle hm? Is it a hoax or not?
zzstar   FFFT3   18 Jan 2018
7:08 AM
40304 Re: Inside the room: What Steve Bannon told Congress yesterday
   Let’s put it this way: Obdtruction of justice charges are a GIVEN! F...
zzstar   FFFT3   18 Jan 2018
3:44 AM
40302 Re: Inside the room: What Steve Bannon told Congress yesterday
   ...meanwhile, the Russians giving a hundred million to the Clinton fou...
ribit   FFFT3   18 Jan 2018
3:26 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Inside the room: What Steve Bannon told Congress yesterday

By: clo in FFFT3
Thu, 18 Jan 18 2:44 AM
Msg. 40300 of 65535
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Inside the room: What Steve Bannon told Congress yesterday

Steve Bannon made one conspicuous slip up in his closed-door hearing on Tuesday with the House Intelligence Committee, according to four sources with direct knowledge of the confidential proceedings. Bannon admitted that he'd had conversations with Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer and legal spokesman Mark Corallo about Don Junior's infamous meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower in June 2016.

Why it matters: The meeting — and the subsequent drafting of a misleading statement on Air Force One — has become one of the most important focal points of the Russia investigations, both on Capitol Hill and within Robert Mueller's team, because it provides the closest thing that exists to evidence that the Trump campaign was willing to entertain collusion with Russians.

