...I have done a little writing. Nothing fancy, a vets newsletter, a company newsletter, a union newsletter and a couple of pieces for a radio talk show guy. When my supervisor learned of this she wanted me to write some articles she could submit to some kind of corporate training thingy. My experience with her was that whoever did the work had their name removed and her name inserted in all the appropriate spots so that she got the credit for the work, or at least got the credit for "inspiring" us peones on to bigger and better things.
It wasn't enough that she wanted me to write for her, she wanted to call the shots on the subject matter. Her first subject matter was "A Shared Learning Experience". I began.....
.....there we were in the backseat of my 55 Plymouth sedan at the drive in movie. It was a warm night so I put the top down for comfort. She was a cute lass who had recently reached the age of consent. The same was true of myself, so we settled down to an evening of shared learning experience.
...alas, it pissed the boss off and I never got off her shitlist. Twas fine cause she never got off mine either.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!