Take a pick, Porter, Bannon, The Dotard, the speechwriter(cigarette burns?), wow. If he had used a cigarette to burn my daughter, lr my sister, assuming that I had such, their middle name would become CRIPPLED! And Hope Hicks excusing her woman beating boyfriend. She’s next.
And the bitches of America are flapping their gums about Hillary, the comments of a woman who was publicly the WRONGED WOMAN ALONG WITH THE OTHER ONES BILLY WRONGED.
I mean, we gotta get our heads screwed in right, finslly!
These, in the White House, are CREEPS!
The cretins too are creeps, with the list being headed by Decomposted corpse, and the man deprived of a woman’s touch Beldin(because he acts that way).
What worms are allowed to crawl in America is beyond me.