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Decomposed   POPE IV   13 Jul 2021
2:02 AM
44225 Re: Tonight's High School Talent Show
   Decopmposed> My take is that if EVER there was a gal in desperate need...
Zimbler0   POPE IV   17 Feb 2018
2:16 AM

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Tonight's High School Talent Show

By: Decomposed in POPE IV
Fri, 16 Feb 18 9:24 AM
Msg. 44185 of 47202
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I just got back from a talent show at the High School up the road. It has nothing to do with my son's old school which is in a different town. I was just bored and going to a local show was something to do. All things considered, it might have been worth the three dollars I paid. Or not.

I will say this: It was a JAM PACKED theater. Really crowded. When my son's old school had its talent show around four years ago, I think twenty people showed up.

The most entertaining part for me was the sit-down comic who might have given ribit a run for his money. He calls himself "Pegasus." Could be the next Henny Youngman for all we know. He was THAT good. I have no idea why he's dressed up as a marshmallow.

The biggest disappointment may have been the winner. Oh, he was sensational, but he also wasn't a student. Somehow, it seems a bit unfair to pit a bunch of 15 year olds against a 50 year old semi-professional singer. This social studies teacher has had years of formal voice training and was the lead in recent productions of Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Miserables and The Secret Garden. He was deservedly embarrassed to have won and, imo, should have declared himself ineligible before ever stepping on the stage.

What, though, of the student who took second place - who essentially won this talent show of HIGH SCHOOLERS? You must see it to believe it. My take is that if EVER there was a gal in desperate need of being bent over Daddy's knee while he tans her hide, this is the one. He should have done it about five years ago, though. Now, she's just another screwed up chick - but that's only my take. Your mileage may vary.


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