WHEN the ignorant, galactically challenged, plain dunb, here the Model numbers of these RIFLES, they conjure up images of military grade equipment that is used to assault the enemies of the U.S.
WHAT NONE of these IGNORANT MORONS ever does, it simply look at it and say, wow, the manufacturing company did a great job making an old fashioned semi-auto hunting rifle look really cool. They do not grasp simple concept that it still only fires ONE SHOT for every one squeeze of the trigger. Just like the old tried and true hunting rifles, sporting rifles, that also come in different shapes, sizes, calibers, and colors.
SAME thing. PACKAGED differently to appeal to buyers.
This is NOT a military assault rifle by ANY stretch of the imagination. It is just a different looking hunting rifle and works the same way...
BUT, HEY, IT LOOKS SCARY!!! OMG!!!!!! And some evil person used THIS to kill innocent people with.
It could have been done just as easily with a 22 semi auto. No difference. Same amount of people killed. Still just as dead.
An AR!% is nothing more than successful WINDOW DRESSING MARKETING package so the makers can sell more of them and make a profit.
I am beginning to think that is the root of the problem.
The LIBS don;t want ANYONE to make a profit. EVERYTHING should be free.... in their minds.......