why is anyone in Justice department not charging Lynch with crime? She violated federal records law by using an alias and emailing anything with even a hint of federal business.
I mean, that is the LEAST thing she should be charged with.
This whole thing stinks. I doubt that ANYBODY in the entire OBAMA treasonous destruction of and hijacking of America, with the full help and support of all the Clintonistas, GWB, McStain, Pelosi, Reid, Pocahantaus, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Chickie Schumer, Lynch, Hillary's faithful aides , etc.
You get the idea and can add more names I just can't remember.
This was a concerted effort to completely takeover and turn over the UNited States to control of George Soros and a one world government ruled by the select few at the top, but be sure, the Bildebergers are in that group, and there are several U.S. big names who are members of that criminal group, including ALL the BUSH family.
sorry for the excess. Just a little PO'd and want to see some retaking back of this country.