And Trump used that that same "timeline" argument when he tried to link Ted Cruz's father the Kennedy assassination.
But speaking of timelines, how about Trump bragging about getting some new 'dirt' on Hillary just days after Trump jr had agreed to meet with the Russians at Trump Tower? Was he expecting something big to come out of a meeting that he claims that he knew nothing about? And on that same topic, how about those phone calls that Trump Jr made the day he agreed to the meeting, the first call FROM the son of the Russian oligarch, the second call two minutes later TO a blocked number which he now claims that he doesn't know what number he dialed, but which everyone knew the Trump Sr always used a blocked number (I guess so that there would never be a record of who he talked to), and then a few minutes later, Trump Jr CALLS back the son of the Russian oligarch? How about THAT timeline? Or how about the timeline when Guilani bragged about knowing that something was going to come out about Hillary just days before Comey announced the reopening of the e-mail investigation? Are we to think that all of THOSE "timelines" were just coincidences?