...water seeks it's own level so the water backed up in the pipe goes no further up the hill than it would have to go to be level with the downhill part.
...If the pipe is full on both ends, there is a blockage in the middle.
...if ya happen to get the water out of the conduit ya might want to check to see if it has leaks in it. Ya can do that by having someone poke a leaf blower down one end and putting ya hand over the other end. A suitable temporary fitting can be made out of duct tape. Duct tape is wonderful stuff. I even use camo duct tape to repair holes in my camo clothes.
...if the conduit has a leak it is a problem cause it will fill up again and freeze this winter. If it don't have a leak then ya will need to put a weather head over both ends.
...a cheaper way to go is to get a couple of pieces of pvc thingy's and make ya one. The one on the pic below (top right) looks promising.
...the wiring will have to be run thru the weatherhead before it is run thru the pipe otherwise ya won't be able to get it on afterwards. Trust the village idiot who has to learn these things the hard way. (Later on I will give you some advice on how to pour a concrete patio over your septic tank)
...one last thing. Make sure the contractor pulls in another string (strong and waterproof) with his cable that way if the cable gets screwed up ya won't have to do all this over again.
...keeping the water out solves one problem. Keeping yellow jackets / wasps etc out is another thing. I have had some success putting "Great Stuff" in the hole. Not much, just enough to block the ends from insects.
...if ya puts too much in there ya might as well have filled it with concrete.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!