To also cut Air Marshals, and benefits.
Airports that serve airlines with planes up to 60 passengers are in the list. In a few words, we don't care if up to so many people and crew are killed or used as a weapon, because there is small risk at those airports.
Well, tell that to the guys who mow down far fewer people with trucks, or plant bombs that oil a few. This is a gift to that crowd that they couldn't even imagine.
So, we are going back to being stupid. Cut costs at the TSA while we give billionaires a tax cut they don't need. For $300 million they're wiling to take that risk. Would the Israelis EVER do that? Border walls and other "security" bullshit flies in the face of this crap.
What's wrong with this country? I don't get it.
If that happens, I'll never fly out of such an airport. F that.
And this is not fake news. Ask the Dotard about it. Put him on the record.