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Re: Updated Menu For Frequently Visited Sites/ De

By: micro in POPE 5 | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 24 Sep 18 6:44 PM | 50 view(s)
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Msg. 08425 of 62138
(This msg. is a reply to 08407 by Decomposed)

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Actually, I never saw it..

Now that I have, and looked at it, it is pretty nice shortcut and would be a time saver.

Here is why I do not need it.. I use OPERA and when I click on it to open, it opens to speed dial. There, I have a bunch of my favorite places that I frequent with their names on tags and the url's already on them so that when I click on any of them I am immediately taken to the site. Like your shortcut list does.

I can open as many windows as I want as well. Consequently, I already have what you are generously sharing..

It's not that I am NOT interested or did not read. I wasn't home for most of the day yesterday and I did not read ANYTHING posted here. I don't have time to spend looking and reading everything on all the different websites anyway..... IF it were not pouring rain here today I would have been halfway to Cleveland by now... So I will do that another day this week.

Us stupid engineers have to go and help customers that pay for my services and expertise in solving their problems, including many that include electrical issues.

Hopefully you are not upset about your shortcut menu or a lack of response. I thank you for your efforts and sharing. This was the first time I Saw it as I just sat down at my desk in my office this morning after having gone to the Nursing home already and clothed, and fed and made coffee for my father.... And made lunch for him to eat later as well and brought back his laundry I washed and dried yesterday..
OH, did I mentin I striped his bed and put clean sheets on it and brought back the dirty ones to be washed?

Been a tad busy. THIS is my daily routine.... 7 days a week.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Updated Menu For Frequently Visited Sites
By: Decomposed
in POPE 5
Mon, 24 Sep 18 9:36 AM
Msg. 08407 of 62138

I see that there was a little less interest in the HTML menu I posted the other day than I anticipated... ZERO, to be exact. However, I did say I would update the code soon to make it a better organized tool with more content, and then post the code.

On the off chance that someone out there IS interested and is just being really shy, here it is. First the screenshot, and then the code. Which you can, of course, modify to suit your needs. Although you probably won't... since you don't really care.

Personally, I've been using the menu and like it already. Big time saver.

Rolling Eyes

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