my dear kathy
do not fret over the vermin who are out in force. There are those who think they know how to fight and then, there are those who have actually fought multiple times in real live fights that were life and death.
There are men and then there are wannabes. The wannabes always talk big, loud, and run away when they are about to get the stuff beat out of them.
After all of the above you have the Marines. It is never wise or prudent to mess with current Marines in Uniform, physically fit and ready for battle. While the 2 former active duty Marines here are no longer in tip top shape, they, like so many others of us, are still able to fight better than most . So don't worry about the loud mouths.
When the going gets tough, and IF all chaos breaks loose, there are millions formerly in uniform who will stand tall. NO need to panic. And then, there are those pesky civilian gun owners.... In addition to the aforementioned former military bunch.
This could be the worlds fastest beat down....
Talk is cheap. Talk is easy. Don't worry none about talkers. They will become "runners" when the SHTF.
Jes sayin...