Well Babe, (excuse me, but I never noticed Babe before - welp, ok)
Well Babe,
Watching out for snakes, scorpions, and man eating
foxes is a given. But while hiking along I like to
let my mind loose to roam the Universe.
You let your mind loose? omg, is that to match the screws that are loose since this is one crazy trip to me. I do know you love the Grand Canyon. No offense here. Oh wow, you roam the Universe, too.
(And don't forget to stop and sniff the roses.)
(But don't sniff the stinky socks - just peel them
off and replace them with the dry pair hanging on
the back of the nap-sack.)
Ummm, roses have bumble bees, which is quite alright if you are choosing tuna, but that buzzing would drive one crazy. omg, that nap sack must weigh a ton?
No valet service, huh?
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.