NBC News is taking some flak after it appears it sat on an account that torpedoes the sexual misconduct allegations lobbed by Julie Swetnick. She alleges that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee who endured a brutal confirmation battle, was involved in a gang rape ring in high school.
Swetnick is one of five accusers, all of which have zero evidence or witnesses to corroborate their stories. Swetnick's story is the most shoddy. As a college-aged woman, she hung out with high school kids, saw this alleged debauchery, and didn't tell anyone about it, not even a warning. Oh, and she went back to at least several more of these parties where these supposed gang rapes were happening. It's just unbelievable.
Well, in September, NBC apparently knew Swetnick's allegations were straight trash, but decided to sit on them - but went ahead and published the unverified gang rape claim. Now, that Kavanaugh has been confirmed and Swetnick, along with her attorney, Michael Avenatti, have been referred for criminal prosecution for submitting false statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee, NBC News is finally coming clean. It related to the second woman Avenatti claimed corroborated Swetnick's tale. It turned out that wasn't the case. . . .
Kate Snow and Anna Schecter wrote the NBC News piece. Snow took to Twitter to explain why they decided to publish the article, which seems to be another footnote in the annals of liberal media bias. Our friends at Twitchy caught it. In all, Snow says that they ran out of time - but went ahead with Swetnick's loony tale anyway, while saying that it was unverifiable. Yeah, maybe that's where the red flags should have gone up. The New York Times didn't do an original story on Swetnick precisely because they couldn't confirm anything. The Times also didn't run one on Deborah Ramirez, the second Kavanaugh accuser, who says he exposed himself at a college party. All the allegations against Kavanaugh were baseless, unsubstantiated gossip, dropped at the last minute and weaponized by Democrats to try and take down this nomination. They failed.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence