Why Do Liberals Hate The White Middle and Working Class?
You can say anything you like to disparage whites. Criticize their food, their religion, the way they dance, anything you like is fair game. Call them white trash, stupid, prejudiced. Make fun of their ethics, their ancestors if you like. Use the expression of something being the result of "dead white men". You will get an automatic pass. But then try this. Say, "black trash". Point out that black males between the ages of fifteen and thirty- five make up a little over 2% of the US population and then mention they commit 55% of violent crimes. Don't believe it? Do the math.
This same white hating prejudice goes on in England. Here is an interesting article which appears in The Telegraph.
In defence of the white working class
By Leo McKinstry
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 15/11/2006
Anti-racism has become the central theme of today's political culture, yet the obsessive concern for racial sensitivities rarely seems to be applied to the white working class. This is the one ethnic group that it is perfectly acceptable to insult and ignore.
Once regarded as the backbone of Britain, the people who saved our country in two world wars, the indigenous, less affluent, sector of the population is now treated with contempt by liberal elitists, who sneer at the supposed idleness, vulgarity, xenophobia and ignorance of so-called "chavs" or "white trash".
This kind of repellent snobbery and prejudice was captured in an extraordinary outburst from newspaper columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Condemning white working-class Britons as "either too lazy or too expensive to compete" in the new era of multi-racialism, she wrote that "tax-paying immigrants past and present keep indolent British scroungers on their couches drinking beer and watching TV".
(Article does continue. Zim.)