As Americans argued over an irrelevant video of a Catholic boy in a MAGA hat staring at a Native American, multiple events took place that actually affect them and were ignored. NO CHIT, Everywhere I look this story is out there, nuts!!!!!!!!
1. Bill Would Force Citizens to Have Government Software on ALL Devices that Access the Internet which Would Block Any Content the State Deems “Obscene” DE if n when this happens how do we get around it???
2. An Innocent Marine Veteran was Falsely Arrested and Brutally Strip Searched in a Horrific Act of ‘Punishment’ Caught on Video
3. Video was Released Showing a Police Officer Shoot and Kill a 14-Year-Old Boy as He Ran Away with a Toy Gun???
4. Volunteers are Stepping Up to Do the Job of Government Workers Who Remain Home Due to Shutdown
5. Alternative Media Companies Unite to Rally Against the Corporate Government Control of Information
For those who have been following TFTP, they likely know about the massive purge of alternative media which has been underway for some time now. The sharing of peaceful ideas and government accountability has become the target of the information controllers and is quickly being snubbed out and being replaced with “scissor” creators who push divide and conquer content like the MAGA hat video.