No, both of my sons are taller than me and both my grandsons are taller than them. Neither me nor mz ribit is tall. The inlaw grandparents are not tall either.
It's all those vitamins they give 'em when they're young, which is how they get taller. Get yourself some pre-natal vitamins from Planned Parenthood.
My daughter in law is a gorgeous blonde and very tall but she is nuts.
Those in-laws ruin everything!
My grand daughter is tall for her age and is likely to be another tall gorgeous blonde but she has too many of me and mz ribits genes to be anything but totally sane (but possibly abbie normal) and brilliant. She could be America's first woman president. I don't think ten is too young do you?
TEN is perfect.
I would vote for her.
I beg your pardon, but I am not sane and I don't give a carp.
Of course she is brilliant!
Let her be abinormal, because she will live such a wonderful life.