Indeed it is Nemo. That would be true. All one need do is look at the Globalist Billionnaires and their ideology and lust for absolute power and it makes perfect sense.
They have a nice little club called US four and no more at the top and everyone else exists to supoprt them.
The reason why thes emalefactors still operate with no repurcussions is a lack of desire,will by any other so called leaders to act. That is because they are one and the same.
Evil is very real, very present, enveloping the world in a fast and frightening way, and is also fulfilling all the scriptures talking about it.
It will not get better, only worse until that day only God the Father knows when HE alone will bring an end to Satan's control over this earth. Yes, it is he that is called "the god of this world" and he also knows his time is coming to an end.
The Great Whore spoken of in the Bible will be judged and found wanting. Francis is a fake. A phony. Murderers in prison know GOD as much as this spiritually dead socialista thinks he does. GOD does not condone tghose who "wink at sin" and are active contributors to it.
So the Whole thing is playing out right in front of our eyes and those who know what the Bible actually says about these times described in both the Old Testament Books as well as several books of the New Testament, can plainly see it.
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!