An Impromptu Journey Part 3
Back on the road. A mere ten minutes back to the interstate, and then clear sailing or so I thought. There were more construction zones, but nothing like the "Mother of all construction zones" on I-20 between Lithia springs and Toadsuck Georgia. Stopped a couple of times for gas and for me to whiz which I managed to to without soiling my kingly undies. We arrived in Hammond Mississippi around 7 am local time. We lost an hour crossing Alabama it seems. Got it back on the return trip. We (by that I mean I watched while the young folks loaded the truck and trailer) got everything on board and took off for home. We had encountered some construction on I 55 South out of Gadzooks Alabama. (sometimes called Gadsden). Your King was still driving.
We eliminated I 55 from our trip by taking a local road out of Hammond toward Eastern Mississippi and then went north on I59. Stayed on I59 til we got to Bummingham (also called Birmingham) where we got on I-20 heading toward Toadsuck Georgia. Other than a stop for gas and a sausage biscuit we kept moving. We arrived at the sister in laws house around 7pm. I drove or was stuck in trafic for around 24 hours straight and I still had an hours drive back to my house. Made it home, the mz had made me a sammich which I promptly devoured, took a shower and climbed in the sack til about ten pm. Woke up, did a couple of posts and then got in the sack til around 2pm this afternoon. This was an epic journey and I shoulda made this an epic adventure like Homer did with "the illiad or the odyssey or one of them. We had everything except singing syrens and a one eyed giant ogre. Alas, I am not Homer, I am a mere king.