Fox, the little tykes from Rupert Murdoch's loin, ar NOT conservatives. Consequently, you see the slow but steady introduction of crazies like the Judge turning solidly BLUE in his opinions and anti-Trump and more and more lefties on that network.
I hardly watch it at all anymore. It is one half a percent better than CNN or MSNBC anymore.
AND, in the morning talk segment, would somebody
PLEASE tell Brian Kilmeade to shut the **** UP
He loves the sound of his voice and somehow believes he knows so much more than anyone else popssibly could. I started to READ one of the books that has his name on it. I knew more about Andrew JAckson and the BAttle of New Orleans than Kilmeade tells in that crummy book. WHY is that?
Because so muuch has already been written, and the FACTS do not change of what happened there. There are even some hollyweird films on it. SO it has been covered ad infinitum and somehow some shadow writer does all the work and Kilmeade atatches his name and we are supposed to believe that somehow this moron is America's Historian and brilliant individual.
He is as OBNOXIOUS a person as I have ever witnessed.
I can't say anything about Drudge as I rarely have ever referenced anything from hi site. Never liked him and likely never will.
AMAZING just how far the GLOBALIST tentacles of corruptiion actually go and WHO they have in their fold...
Again, where are all the rest of the so called Conservative Repugnatans in the HOuse to sign the letter of condemnation against Schiff???? Bought off? Voting with the left? Does make one wonder......