unless i am missing something here, this is NOT palindromic.
BAckwards reading of of Sundays date actually is:
Forward or normal date is: 02022020
Unless you have dyslexia one can see that the numerals are not in the same rythmic order of a palindrome and not the same.
A better example is the one from November 11, 1111
This would read: 11111111
backwards it reads: 1111111
ALL the numerals are in the same place frontwards and backwards.
March 3, 3030 is NOT a palindrome.
03/03/3030 forward
BAckward is 03033030
True, the digits are all the same but they are not readable in the exact order front and back wards.
Yes, I am picky. But this is really a bad example.
Theonly true one I see is the Novembaer 11, 1111 date...
Happy LORD'S DAY to you all.
WE SHOULD PRAISE and THANK HIM for HIS goodness and Kindness and MERCY to US ALL.
We really are undeserving....