I don't trust google any more for information on 'hot button topics'.
so I used Duck Duck to 'google' "What are the real sources of homelessness?"
I got answers all over the place . . .
. . . . Homelesshub.ca
Homelessness is usually the result of the cumulative impact of a number of factors, rather than a single cause. Structural factors Key factors can include the lack of adequate income, access to affordable housing and health supports and/or the experience of discrimination.
. . . . bridgebread.org/Cause
The Real Cause of Homelessness It's not what you think What might cause homelessness? Addictions and substance abuse; Mental illness; Broken relationships; Unemployment; Addiction. It's a fact that 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older were current (past month) illicit drug users.
. . . . stanford.edu
Since homelessness is largely about poverty, therefore, we can attribute some of its structural causes to this late twentieth century, capitalist economic predicament.
The Real Crisis In Olympia is Not Homelessness - Medium
‎Sep‎ ‎02‎, ‎2019·Our regional government has been treating our problems solely as a homeless issue, but it is far greater. It also involves mental illness, substance abuse and crime. Each piece of the problem needs…
Zim : As I once thought . . . we do not have a 'million' homeless
persons problem . . . We have a 'million' individual problems.
One thing I am sure of though. Is that shoveling megatons of money
into 'creating' luxurious homeless housing is not the right answer.
Mad Poet Strikes Again.