The PROBLEM with the statements from the writers is that they hung their collective hats on a religion instead of on the SON of God.
Religion can do nothing for anyone. GOD the Son and HE alone Gave HIS own LIFE, shed HIS own blood for the atonement of ALL OUR SINS, thus paying the sin debt we owed, and then said that if we will simply trust HIM and believe in HIM for our salvation and take HIM as Savior, He would give you a HOME in eternal Heaven to be with HIM and the Father.
NOWHERE in scripture does it ever say to place your faith in a CHURCH or RELIGION. Jesus Christ said to BELIEVE IN ME. ASK ME for forgiveness of your sins....
DO NOT ask the Church, ANY church, its pastor or rabi or priest or whatever. JESUS ALONE. HAE is the ONE whom GOD sent to payyour sin debt and to Redeem you unto HIMSELF. HE is the KINSMAN Redeemer...
SO you have two people, neither knowing anything and apaprently never paying attention to what the Scriptures plainly say about Salvation and WHO the Savior IS, they immediately blame suff on religion.
Churches will fail you. People will fail you. Pastors, priests and Bishops will FAIl you.
He says "COME UNTO ME all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest". He said "I AM THAE WAY, The TRUTH, and THE LIFE. NO ONE comes unto The Father BUT BY ME."
It is Jesus and No one else.
SO make your peace with HIM and accept what He has already done for you so many years ago and Trust HIM CLO.
Stop putting your trust in mankind and churches. ONLY CHRIST has the power to SAVE YOUR SOUL and forgive your sins.... NOBODY else.