the three scuba divers do not represent an entire population segment between 35 - 60 which is what I meant.. Sorry for confusion.. Yes I remember reading about those three that you posted..
Here is my view. There are ALWAYS going to be SOME, a tiny percentage point or fraction of one percent that will have some reactions in various degrees including death.. Those mostly seem to be from the elderly acording to stats.
I am not trying to imply that all middle aged people will just get sniffles. Some may get and experience flu symptoms, whole others get sniffles. Some may get very ill. But the majority by far will not have that much reaction.
For these reasons, I cannot understand nor justify shutting down an entire nation and bankrupting all the perfectly healthy individuals in it that were just put out of a job, had their business destroyed and seen countless bankruptices as a result of this over reach in the name of saving a few... And I mean FEW.
One tenth of one percent seems to be the stat most commonly referred to today by everyone except Fauci and those who want to destroy America..
Let's get back to work and let the retired and elderly stay isolated if they feel like it. Just don't ruin everyone else trying to pretend it's in the name of saving less than 1 percent of the population.. That makes no sense at all and there can be no real justification for it. People die every year from various illnesses including different strains of flu... We did not kill the entire country's working people's incomes and jobs for that.
So in the minds of many I am also wondering what is really behind this FAKE EXCUSE to ruin fincially businesses and people's lives..
That is how I see it. And my view is no better than yours. I think its a HOAX. You don't. No biggie. We're good!
So, has yer mrs. had the urge to go for a ride or adventure out yet??? Go meet the local Bear population personally?